unforgettable moments!

assalamualaikum wbt n peace upon all..

today is Sunday which means today is a holiday. i woke up very late but not so late because yesterday was a total fatigue ! but surely the one who's driving the car was even more exhausted, right shiron ? so sorry because i couldn't be much a helper.. 

anyway, yesterday, my friends and i went to sg siput just to help our lecturer. and, of course, the lecturer was a total awesome. he treated us. felt like my stomach would explode if i ate more. for the breakfast, ermm, maybe not so to be called breakfast because it's like 11 am already, we were given mee goreng to eat but, the mee was delicious except for, i didn't feel like eating so much, more like thirsty. then for a while, after another two cars of my friends came, the lecturer brought us to have our lunch at KFC. another awesome thing when u didn't receive ur allowance just yet ! *i am waiting for my dad to bank in some money. hihi. what's the use of the money he received from his business when he can't give me some ? hoho.. 

after a while we went back to the place and did our job as helpers there. then in the evening, he treated us once again with laksa n ais kacang. awesome again! n our Ketua Jabatan (Chief Department) came and joined  us, Mr. Yusni. he kept tricking us !! saying stuff that he never realized how big his tesl's students appetite was.. *sigh*.. sir, we ate a lot because at home we didn't have much to eat! home here does not refer to our hometown but our rent house~~

okay, after having such a hilarious and enjoyable moment, we went back and performed our duties as the helpers, once again. then we had to be there to watch the closing ceremony. my mind was already blank because i was exhausted. i didn't hear much of what the VIP was saying because i was in a total mess. so exhausted. so did my friends. 

somehow, after the ceremony, something big happened. my friend's bag was stolen and inside the bag, it contained two purses and two phones and a camera. i mean, luckily we did found the bag but the money was gone and so did the camera. the important stuffs were not taken, so did the phones. maybe because it's not an expensive model so the thief didn't take it. anyway, it's a total chaos before we actually found the bag. nobody knows who took it and things happened so fast. 

it's a pity to my darlings (sayang2 :: only these two persons i called sayang.. ) because this thing happened to them. can't stand to see them crying though... huhu... 

then, everyone went back home after my lecturer paid my friend a bunch of money for the camera.. and after taking my bath and so on, i went to sleep very early because i was really exhausted. barely able to speak, only can mumble stuff. 

that's how it went for yesterday. today's going to be another exhausting day because in the evening i promised my friends to practice futsal, kind of like mini-soccer. why did i have to promise them to be one of their team? maybe this is my chance to practice kicking the ball once again after a long while since i left the game. oh yeah, did i mention that all of my childhood friends were guys ?? only one or two were girls. so, i must say, i used to have a boyish style even until now and play boy's game like kicking the ball~ teehee

c u again next time! 


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