shouldn't today be a happy day ?

assalamualaikum wbt n peace upon all..

hi everyone. sorry for not updating for quite a while. last weekend i spent my time at Shiron's brother's house at Manjung, babysitting. it was awesome. anyway, tell you guys about that later. today should be a happy day since we FINALLY received our allowance. yet, i am not so happy because i have already planned what needs to be done and of course 1/3 of the money is going to fly away~ just like that. snap ! 

so i called my mom to tell her about this, luckily my dad promised to pay half for my license money. so, the problem is quite settled. but then again, i have everything in my mind that should be done real fast but unfortunately i have not yet organized them. 

so i went to Giant (sort of like a grocery stores but in a mall style) just to buy rice since our house were running out of it. and i had done the wise thing which is only buy the stuff which i only need. teehee.
yeah, that's right. so i bought double A paper, foolscap paper and pens. these are the important things that needed to buy. when it comes to the right paper to use for printing, i prefer double A because of its best quality.. though it's a bit expensive compared to the other brand but i'll say it's worth it. totally~

so here i am, feeling exhausted after a long day yet still have to do laundry because i couldn't do it during weekend (i was away, remember..) 

after all, i wonder how my friend, Anip could spend her money so much buying so many stuffs. when i think back, yeah, she's living in a hostel~~ a lot of money need not to be spent so much~ 

p/s: just received our first assignment. don't really feel like doing it for now. too many works to think about~ so dizzy. my housemates are laughing really loud i wonder what they're talking about. so i just want to see what they are doing. so see ya~ 


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