
i am a person who always look at her flaws. i don’t have pretty face, i don’t have the perfect body just like my family always wanted (*sigh), i am not that good in my studies, i am not tall which means i am short. but then, despite all these flaws in my life, i still am happy. my friends accept me just the way i am, hope so. 
when we look at others’ stuff which we don’t have, there will be two sources that will actually reflect how well we are brought up. first, positive source which i don’t think everyone has it. how does this positive source will actually enlighten our days and will not make us sad? instead, it will actually motivate us. how ? well, for example, you friend just bought a new phone and yours, you have been using the phone for like 2 years and the phone is so out-dated. when you are the positive person (this happens only when you also have the desire to buy new phone), you’ll tell yourself that you will someday own that phone. it’ll just take time. you can earn money by working part time or sorts OR you can study real hard till your parents are so PROUD of you and then you’ll get the phone as a reward. this will actually motivate you to be hardworking and earn what you deserve. another positive person will also react this way, “my phone can still be used, why need another one ?” this kind of person really knows how to use money WISELY. being an adult is not easy. why ? because you must learn how to delay your gratifications or desires (quoted from Dr. Wong, IPG Ipoh). 
whereas the negative person will react negatively by always blaming the parents for not buying them the thing they wanted or maybe they will do stupid thing for example stealing it. or, the negative person will actually feel very ashamed for what he or she owns but that does not mean the person must show off everything she has. what i mean is, the negative person will feel less confident or low self esteem for not owning the brand new stuff. 
actually, i have no idea why am i bragging these things. i just want to say that even though i am full of flaws, in the end of the day, when i face my CREATOR, THE ALMIGHTY ALLAH SWT, i will reflect myself and say to HIM, THANK YOU FOR ALL THE THINGS HE HAD GIVEN ME. i appreciate everything i have. i might not be rich, i might not be smart, i might not be beautiful, but that is not what MY CREATOR is looking for. all HE needs is for us to be sincere to HIM and in the end of the day, it’s HIM i’m meeting. 
moral values: appreciate what you have, be grateful, don’t be greedy. 


  1. ye..kite kena brsyukur je dgn apa yang kite ada..
    jom singgah blog mun..

    jom komen entry saya..


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