
assalamualaikum wbt n peace upon all.

hey yall. it's already fasting month. and i am very thankful to Allah because i am very healthy and can fast happily just like other people. :)

but today something happened.


my phone~~~~~

this one, has turned into a silent phone. it has been muted !!!! not manually, but automatically. it all happened on the day it accidentally fell onto the floor while i was trying to stand. :( 

and this !! can you see the hole ?? boleh nampak tak ???? arghhh.. this happened just now while i was cooking. masa tengah masak. it hit the edge of my sink !! T.T 

dugaannn~~ lau x dak screen protector, cmna la gamaknya ? x sanggup nak bukak screen protector tu and tengok apa jadik kat phone tu. waaaaaaaa... sedih weh !!!!! ada sapa-sapa nak sponser fon baru kat aku ? muehehehehehe.. 

cukup2 la ngan fon2 tu am..... 


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