why do we have to complete an assignment with a task where we have not yet learned? are you kidding? i am quite pissed off with the admin. don't they use their minds? damn it.
hey yall, looking at the title of the entry i am sure u guys must have some thoughts in mind.. or perhaps, u guys have forgotten them all already. i'm just gonna share one of my painful childhood memories. *haha, macam banyak je~* there was once, a place called "home" lived by creatures called family... *gimik semata-mata there was a young girl, a teenage girl, aged around 14-16, she was a very neat person. her family was not as rich as the other fortunate girls, she shared her room with her two younger sisters. the sisters always messed up her room, and she was a person who could not live in a mess. one day, seeing the mess in her room, made by her sisters, she decided to clean them up. she threw away all the papers which in her eyes were unimportant. the next morning, she woke up as usual and prepared herself to go to school. usually, she was sent to school by his father. never crossed her mind that day, was going to be a painful day for her that she would remember till...
assalamualaikum wbt. korang pernah tak cuai and in the end, korang yang terima padahnya? mungkin benda ni jarang berlaku pada orang yang sabar sesabarnya macam korang kan.. tapi bagi i, i ni gelojoh sikit. nak cepat je sentiasa. tak de langsung passion dalam membuat sesuatu. eh, padahal nak cita kemalangan sewaktu buka tutup botol jer pon. ni lah yang berlaku akibat kecuaian i yang gelojoh sangat nak minum air livita yang dalam botol kaca tu. benda ni berlaku di luar jangkaan. mula - mula tak rasa pedih pun bila terguris.. tapi dah lama - lama tu rasa pedih. tengok-tengok. tadaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.. dah berdarah. sob3 tolong jangan ingat i ni ada depression lalu i toreh wrist i ni yer.. gunting yang ada kat situ pun sebab kebetulan jer. oh, tolonglah jangan pikir bukan - bukan... kejadian ini telah mewujudkan parut yang nyata. sedih gak la sebab ada parut tapi still pemalas nak letak bio oil hari - hari. sekali pandang, macam p...
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