i am devastated

whenever i think about the assignment that i had submitted, i feel very devastated. why? because things happen out of my control. partly it was my fault, but the other is not within my hand to control it. that is why i am feeling devastated. i also feel disappointed with the L but there's nothing i can do about it. he's being like that because he is like that. you don't have to really understand what i am trying to say here. 

for what i know, i worked really really hard for the thing i built, with my own hands, with my own efforts, but the effort has gone to waste because this person thinks it is not good enough. i don't know how a printed stick puppet is good enough if to be compared with what i have done. 

the most important thing is, you don't have to explain to people that you are not bias, people will somehow detect it and judge it on their own. explaining how you be about yourself is just like bragging and telling people the quality that you think you have. but the fact is, what you did, it tells another thing about you. i have no word for this L but all i know is, whenever i see him, i feel like putting my hand into a fist. but somehow, i cannot let the fist go anywhere it wants. that's all i know. i don't have the power to correct thing that had happened. but all i know right now is, i can control my future. 

i really hope that i don't have to deal with this L any more. i cannot take his reasons for everything. 


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