this is what happened just now..

saya sangat-sangatlah tak faham kenapa ada manusia camni. 

me: oh,ni bukan ina ea? maaflah salah nombor. 
this person: takpe2..ok..

dah dia cakap ok and takpe, saya pon senyap jelah, kenapa nak panjang-panjangkan citer la lagi kan? bazir kedit jer. 

then this person sent another text: dok kat manew? klantan ke?

saya diam lagi sebab malas nak layan. 

then he sent another text: o..sombong..

pe motip weh? dah salah nombor kenapa nak panjang-panjangkan citer lak lagi? seriously annoying sangat-sangat. nak senang citer saya pon cakap, 

sori, pakwe saya marah.k.bye. 

habis. end of story. perlu sampai camni ke? lau tak faham jugak next time around saya akan cakap suami saya marah je. senang kan? girls, please take note. lau korang nak layan, korang layanlah. tapi bagi saya, benda ni sangatlah annoying. you don't really know how this person behaves like, you don't know the personality of this person and then you decided to prolong this small matter then you fall for him the next thing you know, he has taken advantage upon you and you are losing yourself. hah, kan dah padan muka diri sendiri. 

so, beware yer.. 


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