i dont know how she does it.

assalamualaikum wbt and peace upon all. 

hey everyone. i just watched a movie entitled "i don't know how she does it." it is a superb movie. great for a mom with career. this story really inspires me. a LOT i must say. it is like watching someone else is realizing my dream. i have always questioned this to myself, will i able to be a good wife, mother and of course balancing with my career. you know, i always imagine, if i have to come home from work, will i be able to manage the little kids i have, the husband who needs my attention, the work load. will i be able to do it. not to mention, my own little secret dream. oh, it is not little, it is big. will  i be able to manage my time well? you know, cooking, laundry, after laundry things like sidai kain and lipat baju. bukan mesin yang nak buat semua tu kan? then, taking care of kids, reading them books before going to sleep (must do when i have kids), kiss them goodnight, (imagine if i have six, LOL), then basuh pinggan. wah, banyak betul kan kerja? boleh ke buat semua tu nanti? that's why, i really really really need a husband who will help me doing all this work. a husband who does not care if he has to cook for the family, a husband who will definitely say "Tu kan kerja perempuan." oh, ALLAH, please make my dreams come true. aamiin.. pray for me.. :) 

even right now i always feel like i don't have the time in the world. i always procrastinate things. i wonder if i can ever procrastinate a giving birth moment for something i think that is more important. it's complicated. 

whatever it is i am going to be, i will do my best. i will work very hard. i really hope my husband (as if i have one now -.-') will be very much supportive as the husband in the movie. :) okay, start dreaming now. 


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