to dear friend, husnul | please read this! :)

assalamualaikum wbt n peace upon all..

tadi cek emel, i baru perasan tweet kawan i. dear friend, this entry is written specifically for you.

tak semua orang ada family yang complete. if you can't have one now, you can create it later. i know you can be a good mother. women don't always learn to be a good mother from her mother, you know.  you are gonna do great later. with him. and one day aku akan jeles tengok hang kahwin dulu sebelom aku. hehe. yang ni wajiblah kan?

i know your situation well enough dear. i am always here to support you. be strong now and forever. even if you see your world is crushing down, tomorrow, there's gonna be a sun shines for you, looking at you. things will get hard. and things will move on too. yang penting, jangan jadikan kisah yang sedih dan menyakitkan hati tu tertanam kat hati dan ingatan. just remember your late father. he was a good man. remember his words and make him proud hus. i am sure he will. :) 


  1. can i cry? im not going to hold this tears back. i didnt even know u posted an entry for me. wuwuwu...

    looks, whos birthday is today?? my derest cutest friend eva!.

    and want her to know is, i love her so much, she has been a sister to me.

    i luv u
    i luv u
    i luv u

    hav a blast 21st birthday my dear
    and thanks 4 the comforting words of yours

  2. yup. ang xdak notify aku pon ang wt entry ni.
    tu pon sbb aku rasa nk buka blog ang. klu x mmg xbca la kn.

    1. hehe.. saja la tak mau gitau. lau gitau nanti tak surprise la.

  3. haha.. suprise sgt :P
    doakan am. taun depan.hehe


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