Last Night

Hey there. It has been quite some time since the last time I updated my entry. You see, I should not be updating things according to my emotions but wait, I don't feel anything at all. I just have the right to say what I want to say and if you don't like it please go away. Wow, it rhymes! 

Last night I had lots of fun with new friends, right, not so new friends because I met them before. We went out together, the four of us, we had dinner together, we stayed up till late together and we even had breakfast together plus lunch. Full day package. It was definitely awesome. 

Even though it was a bit tiring, but I had lots of fun and it made me forget about all the troubles that I had been through for the past weeks. So relief.

Today I went to IT fair because I needed to buy a new keyboard as my notebook's keyboard had made me turn into a giant monster whenever I needed to type something using it. Grr.. And so I bought one. Very happy even though it did cost me a bit of money but hell yeah, I need this. Luckily I have my boyfriend to take me there because you see, I don't own a car right now cause it's in Penang, so that's a relief when he is always there to help me buying things I need without even has to pay for the gas money. :) 

Hopefully I will be getting my car real soon cause I kind of need it right now. Life sucks without transport so please do own one!

p/s: I don't think I need to explain my situations to those who don't even give a shit about it. If you want to know about me, then ask. It's not that I have been hiding under a cave that you can't find me. Plus, I don't need to beg for you to believe in me because I know some do. It's okay if you don't and I don't blame you cause you are just being human. So do I.

p/p/s: I did not manage to take pictures because my phone battery was low and it sucks. Could have been taking pictures with Garuda athlete Mutilda last night. Haish.. 


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