What you don't see, you don't say.

It has been long. We meet again. This time. Sorry. The same excuses ever since I started the blog. I was busy. Busy wasting my time with nonsense activities. Not sleeping mind you. 

You know, I would love to share my pictures of me and him, the both of us. Here in this blog. But I choose not to. 

Why? Aren't you jealous of others who posted their lovey dovey pictures on their blog? 

Yes, I do feel jealous but the reason why I don't do such thing is because I would love to share with you guys almost everything in my life.

But there are also parts of my life that I don't wish to share. Because it is too precious. :) 

Don't worry. I still love to see the cute couple posted pictures on facebook and blog and everywhere that is possible for them to upload. 


I learned a lot lately. Just now, when we were having a tutorial session, I came across a saying. I don't quote anybody. It came across my mind so it is originally my word? haha. whatever.

here's what I came across. 

What you don't see, you don't say. 

I know, we love gossiping so much. We care too much about others' lives rather than we interested in our own lives. That's normal. But the habit of spreading rumors are very sickening especially when you are not the witnessed but you tell the whole world about what you don't see. True enough. Only fool believes in rumors. So, from now on, do not believe in rumors please. 

My readers are clever enough to not believe in any of the rumors unless you have witnessed the situation. :) 

That's all from me. I wish to sleep but I want to do my assignment because tomorrow is my sleeping day. I want to sleep all day long. So long honey bee... :)


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