Hey yall! I am back again. And, I am pretty satisfied with my outing today. I watched two movies, and I met an awesome person and I got to spend my time with Amir. I didn't sleep after Subuh prayer. You all know that because I updated my blog this morning. Then after that I got ready for the dates and everything and yeah, I didn't go check my practicum school. So, I arrived at the meeting place, early. We promised to meet at 10.30 am but I got there early. And amazing thing was, he said, well this is not a common Malaysian. Because I texted him at 10 a.m. saying that I was already at the place. He was quite surprised. HAHA. Where else can you find a decent person like me? Common Malaysian would probably be about an hour late? LOL Anyway, me and my boyfriend and the ex-owner met there. I had already eaten my fried noodles but didn't manage to finish it though. Probably because I ate it with Milo. I had my own reason when it comes to filling my stomach. ...
Showing posts from June, 2013
My Updates
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Hey there.. I just started off a new semester. Semester 6! OMG... Such a long time I've actually been here. But, the time does fly faster than ever. Can't believe I am going to be a final year student next semester. Anyway, it's been almost like two weeks I've been here and honestly, I keep feeling homesick. I want to go home so badly.. Luckily I am still in Malaysia and not studying overseas and everything so whenever I have this sick feeling I'll probably be running back to my hometown during weekend. For the past weeks, I had been, not to say busy, I was just pondering over what to do. That's because my housemates, they had a theater which they had to perform so they were very busy practicing every single night! I really did feel very lonely when the night time came. It was tough. Sometimes I would ask people to go out and everything, but at this moment, I would rather just spend time with people who could bear the activen...
Another Story of Solat Berjemaah Muslimah
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Remember school days? I still do.. There were lots of memories there. Being a school student, you can't really escape from going to a camp for whatsoever reason. This is a story that had happened during one of the camps I attended. I could not remember which camp and for what reason because I attended so many. (barely an excuse of me not remembering) OK. Move on. You see, in a camp, being a Muslim, it's a must that you pray together. (Jemaah) It was compulsory since we all had the same schedule and it was packed with activities and such. But, here's a thing or disadvantage for being there. The space for us (girls) to pray was so small, and we (girls) were always big in number. More girls than guys, in a camp, that's normal. SO, we all had to cramp up to pray. Hot weather? Don't mention it. BO. Don't even think about it. Of course, during prayer, so many things happened. AND, one of I can remember, is this.. Ready to know ...
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A little conversation with my dad yesterday, when I fetched him from his school (he's a teacher in case you don't know that). Dad : Are you going back with Tiara (the car currently I'm using at college) Me : Yerpp... (no doubt about that. where got other car?) Dad : Okay. If I finished repairing Savvy, next week I'll go to Ipoh and switch car.. Me : ....... Seriously? Haha. My brother will be super jealous about this. But, I refused to say anything. If I say no, then it will be tolak rezeki lah... But, if I looked eager to have it, I sound like I am greedy. I'll just take whatever is given for me from my dad. :)
Time Table
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Look at my time table for the next semester.. I know. Sucks right? Having class at 5 pm till 7 pm.. But I am glad that we're not really having class in the morning. Not that I am lazy to wake up early morning but because I feel it is really nice to hang around for a while before going to class rather than rushing here and there and plus, the traffic and to actually grab a parking spot. That's a war men! The reason why does my time table is arranged like this is because of the lack of room or class in the institute so we have to share class. I don't know how can the upper people can freely send the new intakes to this institute. Don't you know??? It's full !!! Actually I am not sure about other IPGs.. But still, then don't take too many intakes lah.. Don't know what you people are thinking. Some more make us compete against other students to be qualified as teacher. Nonsense. You already gave us...
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Unimaginable workload that led to fatigues during practicum session. It was Friday, so it was half day or so but I had to prepare for my lesson the day before because I had class on Friday. So, slept at 2 a.m. and woke up about 3 hours later was tiring and stressful for me. I hated it when people stole my night sleep. I wanted to have lunch with him so I fetched him and I asked him to drive because I was too tired to do so.. I told him let's drove around, I didn't feel like going back yet. So he drove me around. We went to KFC Tesco to have our lunch. Then after that he drove me back. While he was driving, didn't know how I fell asleep. I must had been too tired. Then he woke me up. When we were about to reach Giant.. I kinda like it sleeping there. Him beside me. I felt secured. I wished we stayed like that forever. Honest. Later XOXO
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Wedding. It's the topic I talked the most with my friends who are getting married but the topic I hated the most to discuss with my future partner. Yes. I hated to discuss it with all my heart. Not that I don't want to marry him, I do. I really do. But, it just hurts so much to even think about how, and when, and why.. To answer all that, it just freaking hurt for me. So, I refused to discuss about that topic with him. I will just go with the flow. When it comes, I'll deal with it. For this time around, I am just going to focus on my studies. Yes. Sounds nerdy but that's the truth. And yes. I am not going to get engaged for upcoming, two or three years. So, I'll just stick with boyfriend and girlfriend thing. (As to answer some people's question) I told myself, that I am going to be married in 5 years time. And I'll have my wedding in a luxurious grand hotel. Yes! If it's going to be in 5 years time, I'll work my as...
The Auction
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And so, I did went to the car auction.. There weren't a lot of people but still good enough to fill a crowd. This is all a new experience to me. I didn't know that to participate in the auction, you have to pay deposit of rm1500 per car! If a business man would want to bid two cars, then he would have to pay RM3000. CASH! Ka-ching! People who came here are no ordinary people. Their wallet.. Walaweh... So thick! I was amazed. Below are some pictures of me camwhoring because I didn't have nothing better to do plus, I hadn't do that for a while, so kinda missing it. I am loving my maxfactor liptint.. :) The mascara did not look balance because I put it on while my father was driving... Meet the auction taukey aka boss~~~ There was even BMW. HA! You probably bought your BMW from this auction~~ Believe me, I was bored before the auction begins. ...
Looking Back
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I've been wondering where did ALL the fats came from.... Looking back, I ate rice once a day, and that's not the usual amount, it had been reduced, a lot, ever since I lost my appetite.. I don't really know where had it been.. and this is a shocking news.. the fats: they were all from 1 bottle of coke drank by ME, 5 pieces of Ferrero Roche chocolate eaten by ME all alone, and this week, 3 pieces of Ferrero Roche. GREAT isn't it? LOL XOXO
It's a Good morning...
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Good morning! It's a very good morning indeed. My lecturer used to ask, what is so good about morning? when we greeted him like that. So different answers came out all at once, good weather etc... And so, moving on, as queer as it is, my father was the one who woke me up this morning. Usually it's mom's job right? My dad is just as awesome as my mom. That's why he woke me up. Well, that's because he asked me to accompany him to go to the auction today. Yes. I know. Boring. Auction. What the heck am I supposed to do there? It's not like they are selling pearls or diamonds or anything. They are selling cars. And so, that's my activity this morning. Actually, I agreed to tag along is mainly because I wanted to change the tinted thing on car's window, because I am driving back to Ipoh this upcoming Saturday, and my dad will start working tomorrow, and today, is my last chance cause tomorrow I bet he's going t...
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I don't give my number to people who ask it like this "nk 6ber nk of9 dh ni jjr trs bg tau nk 6br jer" Seriously???? So, what I will normally do is, IGNORE . There's really no use of entertaining such kinds of people. OK. Maybe their social development hasn't been fully developed yet. You ought to know how this society works fellas. Or at least, real people, real society works. Not people who are on the Internet 24/7. Can you imagine, out of nowhere, a stranger asks for your phone number? I'd rather give him/her a police station number instead. Hey you, try 999..
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Here I just wanted to say CONGRATULATIONS to Fasihah, a friend of mine who just got engaged recently. To my disbelief, lots of my friends are getting married either this year or next year. To all of them, congratulations though the selfish bitch inside of me keep on feeling a little bit jealous for you guys BUT, the sincere and kind me, is very HAPPY for you guys. Yey.. Can't wait to attend all those wedding ceremonies. I will definitely attend if you invited me, but if you don't I'll still be happy for you. Again, big big hug and kisses for yall, and again congratulations . :)