
I don't give my number to people who ask it like this

"nk 6ber nk of9 dh ni jjr trs bg tau nk 6br jer"


So, what I will normally do is, IGNORE

There's really no use of entertaining such kinds of people. OK. Maybe their social development hasn't been fully developed yet. You ought to know how this society works fellas. Or at least, real people, real society works. Not people who are on the Internet 24/7. 

Can you imagine, out of nowhere, a stranger asks for your phone number?

I'd rather give him/her a police station number instead. 

Hey you, try 999.. 


  1. i often got fake calls asking "who's this?" WTH! i dont even call him first. some kids messing around. huh. mencik

    1. Haha. aku punya kes lagi teruk.. sucks gila. lau aku salah nombor sekalipun, dia takyah la nak call aku, tanya aku sapa, dok kat mana. gelong. freaking bangla. huuuuuuu


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