
Unimaginable workload that led to fatigues during practicum session. 

It was Friday, so it was half day or so but I had to prepare for my lesson the day before because I had class on Friday. So, slept at 2 a.m. and woke up about 3 hours later was tiring and stressful for me. I hated it when people stole my night sleep. 

I wanted to have lunch with him so I fetched him and I asked him to drive because I was too tired to do so..

I told him let's drove around, I didn't feel like going back yet.

So he drove me around. 

We went to KFC Tesco to have our lunch. 

Then after that he drove me back. 

While he was driving, didn't know how I fell asleep. I must had been too tired. 

Then he woke me up. When we were about to reach Giant.. 

I kinda like it sleeping there. Him beside me. I felt secured. I wished we stayed like that forever. Honest. 




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