Hey yall! I am back again. And, I am pretty satisfied with my outing today.

I watched two movies, and I met an awesome person and I got to spend my time with Amir. 

I didn't sleep after Subuh prayer. You all know that because I updated my blog this morning. Then after that I got ready for the dates and everything and yeah, I didn't go check my practicum school. 

So, I arrived at the meeting place, early. We promised to meet at 10.30 am but I got there early. And amazing thing was, he said, well this is not a common Malaysian. Because I texted him at 10 a.m. saying that I was already at the place. He was quite surprised. HAHA. Where else can you find a decent person like me? Common Malaysian would probably be about an hour late? LOL

Anyway, me and my boyfriend and the ex-owner met there. I had already eaten my fried noodles but didn't manage to finish it though. Probably because I ate it with Milo. I had my own reason when it comes to filling my stomach.

Then, the ex-owner left us and we went to AEON because I wanted to buy tickets for DESPICABLE ME 2 in 3D. Since it only had one show, so I was afraid that the tickets would be sold out. So we went there early. Not even an hour after the mall opened. And guess what?? 

We couldn't find a parking lot outside of the AEON because it was damn full. I asked him, why so many people and it's still too early! It was like, 10 minutes before 11 am (the mall opens at 10 am) and the parking lot outside AEON was already fulled? That's ridiculous. 

So, we decided to park inside the building. And luckily we managed to save a spot for us. At that parking lot, it was not fulled yet, but almost. 

So we went inside and quickly go to the cinemas station. And again, I was so surprised to see that there were so many people buying movies tickets. I know it's Sunday but it's still damn early!! 

After quite some time of queuing, we were able to get to the counter and there, my question was answered. 

If you buy movies tickets before 12 pm, on any day, it was only RM7 for the half hall to the front. So cheap leh!!

Then we bought four tickets for ourselves. One movie was The Heat and the other, of course DESPICABLE ME 2. Even though during the queuing Amir was already teasing me about the sold out tickets and I was like, "I don't care. If I don't watch it today, you have to do something about it or I will cry at the counter!" Hah! Completely annoyed with him teasing me because I was already tearing up and I wanted to watch that movie so bad!!!

And I must say, watching two movies was very awesome. It felt so good. Haha. I was so happy. ^^ 

See how happy I am??

After the first movie, The Heat, we decided to go outside of the mall first and go check my school for practicum. Then at the parking lot inside the building, there were even more cars. They were all looking for a spot to park. And we decided not to go out. Afraid if somebody steal our parking. LOL

Then we went back inside, trying to do as much activities as we could like entering shops and everything.. But, he was too tired. I asked him to accompany me to window shop at Paddini outlet.

Here's a tip for you girls out there. If you want to window shop or go shopping, NEVER bring your boyfriend / husband along.

I was trying a few flat shoes, and I asked him a few questions
  • Is this nice? Do you like the colour?
  • How do I look in this shoes?
  • Do my feet look fat in this shoes?
And he looked very confused and didn't know how to give an appropriate answer. He was liked, "Em, yeah. Okay. I don't know how a girl's taste like. (white flag)" 


So cannot bring him to go shopping.. Because bringing girls to go shop or even window shop they won't sit and wait for you to make your decision because they will be beside you and criticize everything. HAHA

Then while walking I told him about the article that I saw on Facebook that one of the secrets to happy marriage was : husband likes it if their wife takes care of their body (like, make sure that they're slim). 

I know. Shocking right? I totally hate that!

The most shocking news was that, my boyfriend agreed to that statement!

Oh my, this can't be happening. 

So I told him (assuming that he also wanted his wife to be like that), that of course I can do that, but you ought to take care of the children, and the maximum children I want to have is 2 and don't bother asking me to cook for you because I'd be busy, exercising, taking FATS OFF MY BODY because you (man) asked for it! 

Seriously, I found that article fucking stupid and ridiculous. Let me tell you something men or gentlemen, if your stomach is like way too round for a shirt to fit in, and don't even have that six pack on your stomach DON'T BOTHER ASKING US WOMEN TO HAVE AN S-LINE BODY FOR YOURSELF! 

You could have that, IF YOU ARE BLOODY RICH OR YOU ARE TOTALLY HANDSOME THAT GIRLS WILL BE SWOONING OVER YOU LIKE DAVID BECKHAM OR SOMETHING, then only you have every right to say that you want your wife to take care of their own body and be damn slim. Imagine after having 6 kids of yours. Now you are saying bad things about your wife? Damn you lah.. (Please remember that not ALL MEN ARE LIKE THIS, SOME OR MAYBE MOST) 

OK. Back to my conversation with my man just now.

He asked me or scolded me (I assumed it was like that), Why are you so angry? I was just agreeing to that article but it doesn't mean I want that.

*Pretty well shut up, stunning, or confused at the same time*

Did he really mean that? 

Of course, again, if I were too fat, he won't marry me but what will happen AFTER MARRIAGE?

So scary to even think about it.

Then, I asked him again, for confirmation, is it true??

He explained that, if things really happened like that then he would just accept it. 

OKAY. Definitely not an answer I was hoping for but it sure did make me calm down a bit. (I think) 

 But I remembered when he once told me that he would drag me to join him to jog if he thinks the level of fatness in me is not accepted by him? Is it? haha. Rasanya macam tu dah.

Then we entered the bookstore inside the mall and I was already thinking about marriage at that time since my friends are getting married. 

And yes, I have made myself pretty clear that I am going to give him 5 years to earn money for the wedding.

But then I remembered looking or staring at diamond rings and I told him, if my wedding ring doesn't cost RM10K, then don't even think about marrying me. 

I also told him about, what if in 5 years time I have given up the feeling of wanting to marry? 

What if I want to build a career of a successful woman and want him to stay as my boyfriend, not as husband because being a wife, that would be too much for my career. 

What if things really happened like that? That I have lost the will to get married?? Or I wanted to stay single till I die?

OK. Perhaps I have watched too many movies or read too many novels that I can even think of this weird imagination..

Of course when the time comes when he finally asked me to marry him which is going to be like in 6 or 7 years time, I will have enough money that I can pay everything for my wedding reception and I don't need his money and I will only be needing the mas kahwin.. haha.. 

He was quiet for a while. Then of course, he is always smarter than me. He said that, why would I listen to you?? I should be listening to your wali right?? Who's your wali again?

Me: Haish.. Okay.. *Terdiam seribu bahasa kali kedua.. Fine. Taknak dah sebut pasal kahwin dengan awak!*

Then we walked around for a while and we stopped at rest and go station where he sat on the massaging couch or so while me, walking around in a shoes shop and did manage to try a few pairs of shoes. No money to buy, just yet..

Then we straight away to watch DESPICABLE ME 2. It was awesome and I had no regrets at all because I was satisfied. :) 

That's all for what happened to the date. 

To think back, the reason why I don't want to let him go is because, where else can I find a man who would listen to my rant and listen to my 20 minutes activity of talking??? Where?? 

He can even be patient whenever I scolded him for no reason. (Because then I would be too scared to face the fact that he's angry so I kinda apologized straight away and act cute cause he likes it) :P 

Dear darling, please be more more more more patient with me and please don't stop loving me Okay? 



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