friday night :)

Hey there. currently i am at home so home sweet home. recently, my life had been super busy. i had to stay up most of the nights to do extra work. that's because i am not always productive in the evening, so night is THE time to do most of the works. so that's why, i had been very busy.

yeah, yeah, busy doing extra things like, break fast with love ones and everything. spend more time with them and everything and thus, neglecting this blog.. poor baby. 

oh yeah, yesterday, after school, i went to cameron highland with him. he drove lah.. i was too lazy to drive. it was an unplanned visit. since he's like, where are we going??? i really thought he would like to bring me to accompany him to buy his baju raya. but then he filled up the gas till up to rm40. so i was like, where are we going exactly? 

then he asked me, lumut or cameron? i was not sure. but then i said cameron lah since it's near. lumut is so far away. so we checked my car and everything and headed to cameron. it was really fun. i like to travel like that. going somewhere and see something fun and beautiful.

so after we reached there at about one hour and a half of driving, we hit the lavender farm. it was not exactly farm lah. and he bought me three daisy flowers. it was gorgeous!! i didn't bring my camera because i thought we were just going to 'jalan-jalan' around ipoh. so, most of the pictures are with him now.

after that, we went to the cheap market and i bought lots of tomato cherry. partly because, it's near raya and i need the best for my skin and trust me, my skin had been going through a lot! so i bought a lot lah.. also, the vegetables look super yummy. then i quickly thought of steamboat. that would be super delicious to have for a cold weather! 

then we hit the night market that is always on brinchang. only available during weekend. so, luckily, we went there during weekend. considered weekend lah, since it's friday. 

so, i actually bought a poncho since it was cold and i did not bring my sweater or jumper along. since, it was already evening, the weather was about to be cold and i hate cold. i prefer warm.

he bought vegetables at a very cheap price for his family. and then we walked through the night market. i smelled rendang already and it was super tempting. T_T 

then we just went through and see what else can we buy. but, of course, there's nothing else more tempting than the food and since it's fasting month, so we just quickly passed by. 

and we headed to find a restaurant or stall that sells steamboat. at first, we thought we wanted to go to this one restaurant but it was closed! terribly devastated. 

then we turned around and looked for another restaurant with steamboat. we found one but it was already full. disappointed again. so i said to him in a teary mode, never mind lah. we go and eat whatever is available. takde rezeki. 

then on our way to brinchang, we found a new restaurant with steamboat. after sat down there for a while, the waitress told us that we might have to wait for another one hour. so i said to him, just forget it. let's go some place else.

and we found another store that sells steamboat but there's no one there. it kinda creepy. so,we said, forget it lah.. 

then we went to brinchang, and after driving around, we finally found a steamboat restaurant!!!!


i was extremely happy.. so, we ordered our food. IT WAS DELICIOUS!!! THE SOUP AND THE TOM YAM.. the food was really really delicious and it was served fast too. so happy lah yesterday. can eat so much. 

i ate till i was really full. even that, i couldn't finish my rice. then again, it was super delicious. definitely going to go and eat there again some other time. :) 

and so, after eating, we went back to Ipoh and after we reached simpang pulai, he asked me to drive since he's tired. so i drove around and decided to play fireworks and we went to ict ipoh near riverfront. too bad that we were not allowed to play it there but we managed to play a few.. :P

we went to watch midnight movies and believe me, i was sleeping most of the time. didn't really watch. i was too tired. 

after that, he sent me home and we said goodbye and everything since i was going to go back home the next day. so i am going to see him after raya lah kot. 

so, that's the yesterday's story. and today, i am nome. home sweet home. :) 

see you later peeps! bye. 


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