
Hey everyone and good morning to all. 

First thing, let's us all thank our Mighty Creator for giving a chance for us to live our lives. 

The topic I'm about to say today is death. I know, what a depressing topic to begin a new entry for the month right? But still, you cannot avoid the fact that death is around us. We just don't know when and how can it happen. To think about it, it's very scary unless to die is one of your options in life to solve solutions, then, it can't be helped. Please seek a doctor for that. I mean it. 

Ever since I was small, death is something that I am not familiar with. I heard my friends told me that their grandfather had passed away. I even experienced my best friend at the age of 11 experienced the death of her father. To be honest, I did not know how I should feel at that time. No one to blame though. 

But being a grown up, the death issue has become one of the things that you will somehow must get through with. It's like everywhere. This must be the reason why I hate to listen or read news. To avoid the death issues because I didn't know how to deal with it. 

About last two months, I actually experienced it. Not that I had died and became a ghost blogger wtf. My late grandfather had passed away about two months earlier. I think I have told you in the previous entry. 

And recently a close friend of mine had just lost her grandfather too. And it kinda reminded me of what I had experienced before. The grief is still there. I can feel the pain. And I still just couldn't believe that it had happened to me. I am very much afraid of losing control if someone I truly love is 'gone'. To think about it makes me scared and I'd experiencing insomnia but in my case of insomnia it probably sleeping at pretty much late hour because to actually make me fall asleep is like impossible unless I sleep on my own lah. 

This morning, I heard the news that my housemate's brother had just passed away about 2 a.m this morning. I was shocked and I didn't know what to say. I felt sad for her. Exam is just tomorrow kot. People who had been experiencing death must be really strong. She had lost her father about two years ago and now, her brother. She must be really sad. I tried to forget that I didn't hear the news and wished to go back to sleep. But I ended calling everyone I love to make sure that they're okay. >.<

To Aala Rosli, takziah for your lost. :( 

What a mournful morning. 


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