Life on the very first days of 2014

This is not supposed to be the first entry for 2014. But somehow I just felt the urge to write these things down on my blog. But who cares? Nobody has ever said anything on what I should post on the very first entry for a new year. 

2013 has taught me a lot about life, love, and friendship. I learned my lesson well, had scars from it, but still manage to get through it. Life still moving on even though you are just sitting still. 

I'll write another post about how my 2013 year had been even though it pretty much about the same things that I had written on this blog for 2013 entry. 

First night on new year, I had cried. Second night on new year I also cried. I guess I really feel lost in this place. I don't want to be here. I want to be at home. With my sisters and brothers. Last night I cried. LOL. I missed my little sister too much. 

She is the one who is always there for me. Every night during the holiday, we would talk non-stop until both of us were drifted to sleep. Sometimes we teased each other. Playing pillow fight. I poked her and she poked me back. 

When I was dealing with my painful tooth, I asked her to massage my cheek. Yes. She never said no to me. I can ask any help from her without being replied no. Sometimes la she said no but most of the time she said yes and just did what I asked her to do. 

Maybe it's also a shocking news to me because I already set my mind that class was supposed to start next Monday but it turned out, yesterday was our first class. Damn~ 

I am still not in place right now plus the unbalance hormone is stupidly playing around with my body. Being a woman, sometimes it's not that our fault that makes us super sensitive. Sometimes the hormones play a good role for making a woman very emotional and we just feel like crying. 

I miss every laughter I have had back at home. I miss all that. I miss the talk with my siblings. I miss the time where we watched Indon's movies and said bad things about the movie because it's a stupidly low-cost film. Why must Malaysia uses their films to entertain us? No offence but sometimes the movies are just too ridiculous and doesn't make any sense plus the ugly graphics. Sometimes Malaysian's movies also have those kind of effects but not as worse as theirs. 

Anyhow, the point is just that, I miss being with my siblings. Now, that my appointment with the dentist has been changed to other date, I couldn't go back this 17! Anyhow, I still want to go back. 

Today, I have tutorial and classes. I don't feel like going but there's  need to go. If not I'd be questioned with my whereabouts. 

Hope it's not too late to wish you guys, may you have a blast in 2014. Pray for me too. :)  


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