Tough days

It had been a pretty tough days lately. Yesterday, class was full, as usual. After class, my friends and I went to see the supervisor lecturer for Art subject and at that bloody moment, my phone broke down. 

I was already fidgeting during the meeting, and believe it or not, the lecturer was super kind and super soft that day. He explained everything that needed to be done even though we already knew. 

After half an hour, the session ended and I quickly went to Giant to go and fix my phone. I considered myself lucky because the shop there said I have to send to the phone centre and needed to wait for 3 days plus, I have to pay RM40. According to the person, it was software problem. I am sure he doesn't know what he's dealing with. So I took the phone. 

Thinking of not having money to buy another phone, I told myself, keep calm. There has got to be a way to solve this. I felt like crying. I opened up my car door and told myself, it's Okay. I can deal with this. And I went back home, calmly driving. 

As soon as I reached home, I took out my laptop and I tried to google what I have to do in order to fix the problem. After a while, I managed to fix the phone. It had return to the way it was. Super happy. 

But then, I had headache and I went to sleep for a while. Waking up in shock, I had to get ready for the meeting that night. Meeting about our assignment. The meeting was OK. I got to do my work and continued it at home. I also slept late at night. 

This morning, I woke up early. Went to class late, purposely because I wanted to park near the class. Luckily the lecture had not yet started. We started late due to some technical problem faced by the lecturer in handling the technical stuff in the hall. 

Then, she finished it late. According to her, we started the class late, so she had to take our recess time. Shidah was already blowing up and I was totally ignoring the lecturer. I know, if I entertain myself to be angry at her, it would ruin my mood. So, I said, yeah, whatever. Totally ignoring the lecturer. 

And so we managed to present our assignment and luckily she did not comment much. I am not sure whether she was enjoying it or not. But what the heck. As long as it had been done, it's good enough for me. No more want to see her face. 


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