what my weekend's like

when i was studying, a while back, i always dreamed of my weekend in the future when i were working would be going out and shop as much as i can. 

but the fact is, when i am working now, i found myself, hardly go out for shopping. i have bigger responsibilities and list of things to buy before anything else or before myself. urgh.. pretty lame right? and pretty boring. a life without shopping in it. but sometimes i do shop, online. gagagagaga.. 

but that only happened once in a while. maybe i kept saying i don't have enough and that makes it sort of like a prayer and guess what, i always feel like i don't have enough. 

i know. i shouldn't be saying it too often. i should be saying, i have more than enough. i guess i should change the way i think to make me feel better and happy. cuz, usually, when you don't have enough money or you think you don't have enough money, it will suck away all your energy and all is left in you now is darkness. lolololol. nah. just kidding. probably not darkness but sorrow and ungratefulness. 

since last week and two weeks prior to that i had two meetings on Saturday, which was suck by the way, this weekend, i have my saturday. Thank Allah for that! 

super free with nothing to do. although i have tons of works to do but once i enter the weekend mode, i forgot about my work. feeling super happy. 

i even woke up early for weekend. i woke up and made breakfast for myself and my room mate, and then i started to do chores including ironing my work clothes for three days. ah-ha.. then we cooked lunch together, me and my room mate there's no one else besides her. then we ate while watching movies and then we went out. 

of course, since i was in that 'time' of the month, i put on my makeup since i couldn't remember when was the last time i used my eye shadows palette. 

so i put full make up on and then we went out. actually, our intention was to meet the 'future' house we were about to rent and when we were in the car, the owner said, she had mistaken the date. she thought it was supposed to be next week and she couldn't make it that day. how awesome. 

me and my room mate were out already and we weren't really want to go back especially me with my full on makeup mode, so we headed to the house area and we were quite surprise to see the area. 

then we headed to the nearest mall which was just 5 minutes from our house, and we walked in the shopping mall. 

and guess what, we came across a spa with cheap price! 

she had always wanted to do a padicure and since the spa we went to had offer, she took foot spa + dead skin removal while me, i paid for foot massage and body massage. 

and i went completely whacko when the person massage me. nearly cried because it was super painful. it felt like she was attacking my veins and it was super painful. even when she did my back. 

super painful and i thought this must be what my father was feeling when i massaged him. lol. 

i was massaged for 1 hour and 10 minutes and i paid only RM45. it's cheapppppp.. so i think i will find some place for massaging later on after my next pay. hihi.. 

so here are the pictures of me and me and also me. 

oh. with my room mate too. 

i bought henna and on sunday, this is what i did the whole day. watching movies and looking at my henna. sleep and eat. that's all. 



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