Rants on work

This morning i woke up early. Feeling good about myself. I was energetic.

Went for breakfast and had an awesome morning with co worker and friend. Then we had an assembly and of course i was not paying attention as usual and kept playing games with my phone. And the speech was super boring since it was about teachers day and watevs.

After the assembly i went upstairs and quickly finishing the remaining work i did yesterday which was calculating the marks for the kids. Then there was an announcement for the teachers and students to go downstairs to watch the tarik tali competition.

So i went to the office because i wanted to take my record book. Our big lady was there and she asked me about; when would i do the work she had told me about?

I told her i was going to take home the cloths with me and iron them at home.

She cut me and said they had an iron in this school and of course she made it sound as if the world was gonna end if i didnt do them by today.

But i managed to ignore her and went back to the staff room.

And so i told my friend about this and she said lets do it tomorrow.

I was not feeling great about it when we were walking towards the school field since BL (big lady) sounded pretty darn serious back then.

While watching the kids i sat down and just whatsapping my friend. Then i thought, what a bloody waste of time. So i got up and left the crowd and i went to to take the cloths on the board.

To my surprise, my PK1 was doing things at the board i was supposed to be in charged of. I was shocked. I mean, i was given this job so what on earth this teacher was doing there?

So i asked her and told her that i wanted to iron the cloths and then she revealed the truth. She said the BL asked her to do it instead. OMFG. Unbebloodylievable. Couldnt she wait? Why the f must hurry? Its not like the bloody boards are going to run away!

I asked the PK to just leave it to me and she couldnt seem to leave because obviously the work, it had to be done by at least 2 people. One person can do it but it is gonna take a lot of energy. And time.

So i took the cloths and went to the office and took the iron and went to the staff room to iron it.

While ironing i was wondering, i am a  teacher. What on earth am i doing right now? IF THERE WERE PEOPLE VISITING US THAT DAY AND LOOKED AT ME IRONING CLOTHS believe me, i would say the BL asked me to do it.

And so i ironed it and went downstairs while the PK waited for me.

There are three boards altogether.

We worked on one board together.

Then the PK had to leave because she had class. She left me with two boards to do on my own. She asked was it okay for me to do it? she was reluctant because she knew how hard it would be to do the job alone.

I asked her to go since attending the kids are more important.

So there i was, left alone and did the two boards on my own.

My clothe was drenched in sweats. Super tired to do it alone. My fingers were in pain and i felt numb or maybe swollen on my thums due to the stretching the clothes because after that i tried to squeeze my thumb and it was painful.

When i was almost finished my friend came. Luckily she came.

Because there were more things to be done. The BL gave us info cards to be pasted on the boards. So i left her to do the pasting. And went straight ahead to the canteen. My energy? Gone!

Super tired when i hadnt even entered my two classes yet!

So i ordered iced milo and quickly left for my class.

I am terribly sorry for the kids as the class went haywire and i was too tired to speak loudly. When i tried to speak loudly to make sure everyone listens to me,my eardrums hurt.

Till that point.

Lets imagine eh, i started the work at 9.30 to iron the cloths. And i completed my work at 11. Gosh that took some time.

Trust me. It aint easy.

Especially for a non perfectionist like me.

Anyway, i tried to be calm and not entertained anyone in the staff room when the school ended at 1.10.

Went to the office and punched out.

Guess what, on the board the BL wanted to do a course. A stupid course on a weekend and two days after our pay.

Bloody hell this BL. I was furious. Wtf. I had plans already.

I was super mad that i started to call my boyfriend to bitch around about the BL.

Also i bitched around about her to my co worker while waiting for my friend. Another man i know who is quite close to me as we kept texting each other. Co worker and friend. Thats it. He is a happy married man and i am a happy girlfriend to my boyfriend.

Just wanting to draw the line before any speculations happen.

And guess what on Friday there will be a  qiamullail and we single ladies had to sleep in school and had a course the next day.

The teachers who are involved even asked the BL about it and to cancel the course, do you know what the BL said?

Just stay in school and attend the course the next day.


I know right. This BL. She thinks everyone in this school likes her? She thinks when she is the boss people should bow down to her. Oh my lady you aint receiving a smile from me anymore. I had lost my respect to you ever since the day you announced your bloody disatisfaction to me in front of everybody.

Here's a thing for you, i dont like you either and hell yes i am applying for e-tukar next time.

I love teaching but today i decided to not devote my entire life to school. Especially the ones i dislike.

After school, we headed home and whenever i am stressed i would buy nasi mamak. It is in a huge amount,the curry is delicious and the honey is forever great. Super worth it when i ate them in stress.


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