Cheap lipstick allergy and dried skin

i followed a lot of shops in instagram. and it made me feel not wanting to turn on the app at all. it's true though. i love to share pictures. but it is usually for the purpose of wanting to keep the memory of it and what i thought of it at that particular moment. not that i wanted to share my close up pictures for the purpose of liking addiction. half of it yes, but not most of it. who am i kidding.

so, back to my story, since i followed a lot of instagram shops, and most of them are selling makeup products, i was intrigued to try some of the products.

one of the most appealing products to me was this matte lipstick. it is called kissproof.

i looked at the price and thought, man, this is super cheap. should i buy, or should not i buy this? i am very particular when it comes to lip product because my lips are very sensitive when it comes to cheap products.

so, one day, i came across a booth when i accompanied my friend to buy new sandals. this booth was selling makeup products with street brands. and the matte lipstick i mentioned above was sold there. so i immediately asked them the price and without further ado, i grabbed it and paid for my purchase.

i did test them out on my hand and trust me, the lipstick could hardly be smudged. at all.

I thought that was amazing. Until.

The day i actually wore the lipstick. Let me tell you at first it was pretty awesome.

I had an event and i had unremovable lipstick on my lips even when i ate, and that was awesome. 

But after i ate some chocolate i thought there was chocolate stains on my lips so i just swiped my finger over my lips. To my surprise, there were lots of residue on my finger. I am not sure whether it was the lips drying off or the product itself.

I kept rubbing my lips until none were left on my finger.

The next day i went to ipoh and it was super hot there and i even forgot to bring my moisturizer.

In ipoh i wore the lipstick again, then i started to feel discomfort around my lips especially at the corner of my lips. At the skin.

The next day, the skin near the corner of my mouth were dried and seemed burn. There was redness and it was super itchy.

Then i stopped wearing it and i immediately put on my mentholathum lipbalm.

Seriously. I will stop ever, wearing cheap lipstick.

And since i didnt wear any moisturizer or even bb cream, and i kept washing off my makeup, and i even stayed in air conditioned places most of the time, my skin dried very quickly.

I could feel my skin is super tight especially after i washed my face.

There was no pimples or zits but my skin does not feel good. When i looked at the mirror, i could see that my skin is cracking up like the desert ground. -.-''

I feared the most when it comes to dry face. Seriously i could not deal with it.

When i got back from ipoh, i quickly put on my aloevera gel from nature republic. And now my skin is getting better. I especially loved when i put the gel in the fridge and applied them on my face when it is cooled.

My advice from this entry is, DO NOT WEAR CHEAP LIPSTICK and do not let your skin dry especially during ramadhan since you are drinking less water.

Self reminder as well.


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