wedding rant

why is it, that those married couple LOVE to ask not married couple to be married quickly. 

people think it is so freaking easy to be married, like someone comes to ask for a hand in marriage, and then tomorrow they're gonna be married. 

for me, i would prefer to use my own money for the wedding. even if it means, small wedding. i don't mind. why do people ask me to use my father's money? i know, even when the time comes, he will pull out his money as well, but for now, it is not necessary or wajib to use all of his money for me to get married.

i am working. 

so that is embarrassing. even though there is no standard or law saying that every couple who wants to get married must use their own money or whatever, 


i am embarrassed to ask from my father. is it weird? 

and yes, 

i am lucky enough to have a father who said, hantaran tak payah mahal-mahal. no need to be membazir. penat-penat cari duit. i hope he can be truly understanding when people come to take me as their daughter in law. hopefully. 

it just annoys me when people take it easy matters like this. 

it is not that i do not want to be married, i want to, everyone wants that, but for now, i cannot afford it. the time, the money. so please, if you are married, don't make it too easy. i know i'd asked you how much did you spend for the wedding and you said nearly 20k. 

my father has 6 children, should he spent 120k over his children's wedding then? 

you tell me. 


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