
He called me this morning. He said to be careful because of the low yat 's case.

Hmm. I havent thought about it and I am not the racist kind of person. It is not that such cases did not happen to me before,being cheated for buying something and it is not always the fault of any races at all.

It is the human being itself. It is soley the person who is doing it. If he is bad, then he is bad, not because he is in a certain race so the bad blood must run in him. Nope. I certainly dont believe that.

People who think that there are a lot of bad people may not have encountered the kindness of others. I have. Countless times. I watched and I read.

Try to be a little bit more open minded.

Just like the myvi case that had happened a few months ago. Just because of one or two particular driver,all of myvis driver are labelled as a murderer. How fair is that?

People nowadays are too influenced with media. Before you act upon something think first.

What you did to others and what are the consequences. And yes, we may be cheated or bullied but that is just a lesson of life. Dont you think.

And no, I also do not like to be bullied but life will portray what is inside your heart anf how how you see life as it is. If you think of living and all the actions will bring you positive things, then what a wonderful world you have, if it is likewise, then too bad for you.


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