school story #7

the other day, i was furious at 5 Marikh, because they liked to tease this boy and he ended up going crazy and cried. it was disturbing.
so i was really really really really angry and they were all afraid of me and they didn't say a word at all. 

i told them, this is my level 3 of my anger. they never want to see my anger level at 10. 

so yesterday, when i asked 5 marikh to sit down, and it was really hard at first, and i made the angry face, 

one of the boys said, "kau nak tengok ke teacher marah level 10?" do you want teacher to be at level 10 when she is angry? 

i felt like laughing, but of course i had to control my face so i put on the stern face. 

hai, nak perli aku ke apa, level 10. hahaha... 


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