rant on makeup

i hardly ever go out without putting at least the compact powder on. unless i am going to the supermarket and i can't be bothered putting on so much on my face cause i'll be going for like 15 minutes. there's no use in putting even a compact powder, just sprayed on sunblock if i want to. 

a lot of people are under the impression of, people who put on makeup every morning are late comers. 

you can't be serious?

i've seen most late comers are men. so, are they putting on makeup? 

it's a weird thing to say for women who love makeup. 

for example, every morning, i will go to school with my room mate, and sometimes she is also late, but it seems, i was the one to be blamed for us being late. the words i received was, ni mesti Amalina yg lambat. 

like, excuuuseee me? *with that tone please* 


i've heard this a lot. 

and some people don't like and don't understand people who wear makeup. what the heck is wrong with wearing makeup??????? 

even if i was just putting on compact powder just like every girl in the room, i'd be receiving, eh, Am, kau mekap eh?  -..-'' 

*cursing in my mind* 

there are also people who CLAIMED to hate makeup but on their wedding day, THEY LOOK FOR MAKEUP ARTIST OR MAK ANDAM. 

so please, mana-mana perempuan yang rasa dalam hati tu, I WILL NEVER WEAR MAKEUP LIKE HER BLA BLA BLA, sedar lah diri bila anda nak kahwin nanti, on the day, kau akan cari jugak mak andam.. 


rasa nak suruh orang-orang camni, ludah, then jilat balik. 

hashtag: menyampahhhh. 


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