change. should i?

i guess it really is different when you're single and when you get married. 

i dont know how life after marriage will look like, but i can pretty much imagine. imagining and being at the place does not really fit actually. when you're imagining, your energy is not being used, so you don't know how much energy you would spend on an action lets say cooking. but when it is real, then you'll know. 

i guess, for the moment i never know the life of waking up early to prepare food for somebody (husband and family) because well, obviously, i've never done that. even my mom didn't do it anymore unless we have leftover food in the rice cooker. probably because my dad didn't really eat breakfast like fried rice, or meehun goreng or food like that. to cook heavier meal for example nasi lemak, it will take a certain occasion for it to happen because we simply well, my dad lah, simply love to buy em. what's so bloody hard? my neighbour sell nasi lemak what. haha. so, it is weird for me to just wake up early and prepare food for a family. 

but then, should i wait until i am in the situation before i change or shall i do that while i am in the age of a lot closer to getting married? what do you think? i don't know. even here, i don't really feel like cooking heavier meal because what for? why the heck should i cook something heavy if the person who is going to eat all that is me, myself. so i decided, either to buy it, or cook something simple. 

it is my dream to cook meals for my husband actually. i've always wanted to be the Bree Van de Kamp in desperate housewives drama series. it's for real. she's good at cooking, she's good at being a wife. but she ain't perfect. my point is, i want to be like her. i wish to be like her. but i don't really practice it in my life. sadly. 

now reaching the age of 25, made me think of all these. shall i change before it is too late? i still in love with sleeping though. even when i slept over in his house, i still woke up late. haha.. what a bad habit. 


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