messed up F

this is the time when i feel like cursing and swearing and coming out with all the bad words that are available in this world. seriously. i am super angry right now. 

the reason why is because i was suddenly assigned to be the head of this club since the head of this club does not want to be the head and he wants to be the head of ping pong club which was my post previously. so we changed. BECAUSE HE DIDNT WANT TO BE THE HEAD OF THIS CLUB. suka hati je kan? kalau tak suka, kau boleh tukar awal2 lagi kan? bulan 1 lagi or before the school even begin lagi kau dah boleh nak mintak tukar kalau kau tak suka pon kan? why at the end of march baru kau nak terhegeh2 mintak tukar? so bloody idiot! yes. i am furious right now. 

to tell you the truth, i like ict club. i can teach the kids lots of stuff such as blogging. 

anyway, that's not the reason why i want to write about this, as much. 

in this club, we have four teachers. 

me, a female teacher, two male teachers. 

the female teacher has the prefect program since she is one of the prefects' teachers in this school. 

male no 1 teacher, disappeared. i didn't know where the fuck he's been. this morning he's around but now he's not around. 

male no 2, absent from school. probably on mc. if the government is taking back the pay for each day of the teacher's mc, that teacher wouldn't be paid for a month! he's always on mc i don't know how sick he is. 

when i arrived at the school, i went straight ahead to the staff's room to find the perlembagaan kelab that i have to fill in.. i saw there were kids lingering outside the computer lab, so i just looked at it and then my room mate called, said that the pk dah bising bising. then i heard the announcement. 

so i went down and take a look, then tanya budak2 biasanya buat kat mana kelab tu, they said makmal dua. so i asked them to enter the lab, but it was locked. 

so i patah balik pegi pejabat, asked for the freaking keys. mula tu tanya pk, then she said, asked the kerani. i asked the kerani she said asked from the ict teacher. i told her tak jumpa cikgu tu. so she asked the kerani depan kaunter and she looked at me and gave me an order, pergi cari cikgu sekian sekian and ask for the keys. tell me one thing, WHY THE FUCK DID THE KERANI NAK SIMPAN SANGAT KUNCI TU TAK BAGI CIKGU GUNA AS IF THOSE KEYS ARE THEIRS???? macam kunci tu diorang yang punya.. and macam lah aku nak buat harta sangat kan barang2 dalam makmal ni macam diorang buat harta barang2 kat pejabat tu?! hangin gila kot. 


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