Good morning and happy Saturday guys. it is still early and i didn't want to go back to sleep because i think it will block the positive aura out of me. so, here i am, wishing you guys good morning. 

today i have to attend the kursus kahwin and inshaAllah. i can't wait for our families to meet. may Allah ease everything. i really want to do this. 

as of yesterday i was feeling down, i talked to him. i miss him so much actually. he treated me like his only girl and i feel right again. thankfully. so for two days i have to attend this course may everything will go well.. inshaAllah. planning this involves lots of thinking. no kidding. now that i always think of it i become nervous and panicked at the same time. will i be able to handle all the matters. will i make it? but i really really want to be with him this september. semoga dipermudahkan semuanya. 


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