
ok. aku selalu perlekehkan orang yang mc banyak2 nih. weh.. dis week i feel awful. weekend lepas i spent time with him then tah cemana he fell sick and demam teruk.. and then once  i balik ampang i developed simptom2 demam dia. first i was sneezing hard. then i started to cough.

on monday, i thought i'd be fine tapi masuk pukul 8 tu i dah teruk sebenarnya. even my colleague told me to go back sebab i look terrible lah. then i wanted to go back. i wasap pentadbir, both, pk1 and my gb. i had their permission except for i needed the boss to sign me the release form. i waited for her at the office and i was feeling like hell already. then i gave up waiting for her.

i went back to the staff room, wasap the pk1 to not do the relief for me because i didn't go back. i didn't teach that day because i was just sick.

then i went back and my body was aching all over. i was crying halfway home because it was bloody painful. it was really not comforting at all. my room mate didn't go back home. then i went to sleep after taking some paracetamol that i had previously.

when i woke up my body heated up crazily. i was shaking. and my whole body was aching. i couldnt sleep much. after my room mate went back home, i asked her to take me to the clinic because i just couldn't bear it anymore.

the next day which was yesterday, i was on mc. i thought i was doing fine until the afternoon my body heated up and i tried to go to sleep. i took the medicine, and i went to sleep. i was sweating. thankfully i guess. then i woke up feeling a bit fresh. i went down to eat but there was nothing to eat so i just made myself a glass of milo.

even though the fever had gone down but my body aching is still here. i feel so prickly like somebody is poking me with millions of small pricks. i dont know whether this is the symptom of my period or what but i just couldn't bear it.

i think i want to go for an mc tomorrow. if my body aching still in the same condition. or maybe i am just dehyrdated and just didn't eat. 


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