engagement day amalina amir

i know i have promised to tell you about the story of my engagement but the internet was so f*ing slow so i had to cancel uploading the pictures. well, immah try give it a shot with the wifi here. 

the hantaran. haha. it looks weird. 

was being photobombed. as upon his request to wear a flower crown. 

waiting for the guests. 

the guests

OMG freaking nervous! 

my mom is on the left, and my mother in law is on the right.

my uncle said my mom and my mother in law look alike! 

that is my future husband / fiance 

showing off the ring but got blurred

cutting cake ceremony

alright. the school wifi is not so bad. i managed to upload bunch of DSLR pictures. 

so that was about it. alhamdulillah for such sufferings i had gone through this is the silver lightning of everything i guess? haha

happy engagement day dear self. :) 


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