being nice way too much?


my laptop is just on so i have a thought and imma write it down pretty much quickly.

what is wrong with being nice?

i heard some people telling me, stop being so nice lah. baiknya hang.. in a sarcastic tone.

i mean, what's wrong with being nice?

for all i know our prophet does not limit us to do any form of kindness as long as it does not bring any harm to another living things.

so, why are there such people telling me to stop being nice? even though most of the times i am mean. yeah. most.

this is just for self improvement.. to my dear self, it is okay for being too nice. even though you are being beaten down or being a coolie to others.

one day, inshaAllah you are gonna be granted for all your kindness. we are.

soon. if God's will.

let us all be nice and kind to each other. 


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