Why was i late

And so today I came late to work. Of course i spent my weekend with my husband and the in laws. Tbh, i had a great time last weekend.

I wanted to tell how i spent my weekend but this is the entry about me who was late to school.

I slept early last night because i needed to wake up early. So i woke up at 4. Actually i opened my eyes at 3 in the morning but who takes shower at that time huh?

So when my alarm clock burst out its ringtone ag 4, i woke up and went straight ahead to shower. 4 in the morning bebeh. It was so cold! I was freezing from the cold shower. Thought i could die from the coldness i went to bed and cuddled in my blanket and into my husband's arms. It felt so good i didnt want to leave. 4.30 i woke up and went to iron my baju kurung and my ibu was already up. I was ironing and she wanted to boil water for me. Didnt want to trouble her so i refused nicely.

Heh. Like reading novel ey.

So after preparing to go to school, my sister in law made breakfast for me.so i ate for a while and around 5.20 i was already on the road.

So i went straight ahead to the highway and at 5.30 my sister in law called.

My husband left his house keys in my car.

Ended up, i waited for him at the slim river exit and i started my journey again at 6.

Was in a rush and drove like crazy it ended up there was a heavy traffic in sungai buloh and also at duta.

That was why i was late.



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