15 April

Been feeling major backache since yesterday. The pain is still lingering today. Feels like it is getting worse. This morning it was quite okay, but then after i slept and woke up in the afternoon it started to feel worse. Especially after we got into tesco. Had to ask him to walk slowly. Luckily he had been really understanding, wel he has to,since i am the one carrying his baby in my tummy. It was not easy.

I talked to my mom and she said it is normal so buat bodoh jelah. And bear with it. What choice do i have.
Dear son, haha, please appreciate mommy k. Bukan senang nak berjalan dgn awak dalam perut. Tulang belakang mama ni sakit sgt but mama kuatkan jugak demi baby. So baby pun kena kuat k. Love you. 


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