Boy was i wrong.

I dont know what to say. Last night was truly an eye opener to me. All these while i thought i have somebody to count on. To listen to my women's problem. But hey, i was wrong.

And it was devastating to know that. All the while in the car my mind kept thinking of throwing my phone out the window but then i tried not to follow my raging emotions so i didnt. Plus, my husband would be furious if i do that. Haha.

Anyway, there was this person whom i think i could relate to.. because among my friends we have the most things in common.. so i thought she would understand and she would listen and respond just the way i did it for her. But nope. When i was rattling about something she would either reply with one sentence or an emoji. Depending on her mood.. i dont know lah. I felt betrayed so much last night. So i deleted my WhatsApp.

I am trying to change myself again which i successfully did it for the past few weeks until someone noticed and asked what's wrong with me and why was i quiet all the time and becoming a silent reader. Being an asian, we keep on taking care of people's hearts without minding our own. And i just ruined my own heart and putting it at risk and turning my self to the old me. An active WhatsApp user.

To be honest even before the existence of WhatsApp, i would text my close friends everyday. Yes. Everyday.

There is another friend but she has so much problems herself and the internet line at her place sucks so much that i couldn't really text her.

Anyway, now i am trying to change myself and hopefully no one will bother the new me.


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