
i have been a little bit upset lately. for the past few days. i thought it was just a small stuff but i dont know why i was pretty much affected by it. 

here's the story. my room mate has this wonderful friendship with my housemate which is totally fine by me. meanwhile i, am not so good with this person. there are stuff that she did that bothered me and i know i bothered her too. in what way? i guess it's my loud voice. i am totally gifted to be a teacher cause i have such a loud voice. never mind that. 

and then another housemates came in and they have wonderful friendship as well. suddenly i am an outsider. because i was in my confinement for 3 months so they have that plenty of time to know each other and clique. 

i tried. 

but then maybe there is something in me that they don't like. based on what they did. so it kinda offended me. it was such a small thing i dont know why i am being a baby about it. 

but it gets pretty lonely lah when i spent the days alone. listening to their laughter downstairs. i guess it is better for me to stay out of their circle. they even have their own whatsapp group. just wow. 

i am so not attending their wedding. i guess. 


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