
well the thing that i posted previously was an honest opinion of what i had think this happened.

to be honest, i am still sad thinking about it. my cute friends all told me just to ignore and i'll be fine on my own. guess what, yesterday i made it. i went out shopping here alone. i carried all my bags full of groceries without help. even though now that i think about it, if i had asked the matahari worker to take my groceries to my car, they would be happy to help. who wouldn't wanna help a cute mom carrying her baby? haha. perasan!

anyway, it is hard to change others right? so i have decided to change myself. even though being a bitch that i was before, dah was ke eh? haha. i wanna be better than i was yesterday. i wanna be kinder than i was yesterday. never mind what people did to me. my mom would always say, biarlah apa orang nak buat kat kita, nak cakap apa pasal kita asalkan kita tak buat macam depa.

and i truly wanna take prophet muhammad as my idol and mentor in life. and if he is in this situation, i am sure he would treat people back with kindness.

i hope i will be able to change myself soon. inshaAllah. be strong. 


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