Grow up

recently the result of egtukar came out. it was yesterday lah. what recently. reading the posts made me remember my old days when I had to spend my times apart from my husband. it was easy because I had really good friends.

it has been seven months since I had been moved in with my husband. and to be honest I kept complaining this and that. I was constantly fighting with my husband because of small unimportant things. I hardly remember ever whether I feel truly grateful.

after seeing people's posts immediately feel grateful to be able to transfer within my 3rd times applying. alhamdulillah. I am thankful towards Allah the almighty for blessing me with this time to be spent with my little family.

when I think back. this is the life I have always wanted. so I should be grateful to be given this change to live my dream right?

inshaAllah. may I will always be grateful.

oh ya. I just wanted to rant a bit. last time I went for my son's appointment. it turned out my baby is not capable of waving back at people. and I didn't know it was a problem until I went for the check up. after meeting the doctor and everything I felt like a bad mom. like I didn't care enough for my son. which is so true. I had been living my life growing him up without really interacting much with him. like when he is with me I would be busy doing something else. for example folding the clothes. ironing. and cooking. I was just sitting by his side watching him play instead of playing with him. and that just gave a huge impact on his growth.

also. the nurse did ask me to feed him more. she is afraid he might not eating enough food because his weight did not increase much since my last appointment.

that had got me thinking. how selfish I was. just wanting to sleep and do my own thing. this is not the way to raise a baby. so I have decided to change a bit part of me. I started to cook more for him and teach him how to enjoy food. and also I started to play with him instead of watching him play. I need to be more active participating with his life. he is not an only an additional to the number of my family. he is also the huge responsibility of mine to be taken care of.

hopefully I am willing to give up more of my time and think about him more. 


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