Cruel babysitter

This morning I saw the news that went viral. The babysitter claimed that the baby was taken by stranger who got into the house. So the parent viraled the picture seeking society’s help in finding their baby. Somehow the police said the statement made by the babysitter was very vague. So they searched the house. The baby was found dead and be kept in a fridge. 

Can you believe how cruel is this? As a mother every morning when I go to work it just kills me that I need to send my baby to be taken care of by someone I do not know of. It just breaks my heart seeing him cry when I go to work and this happens not every morning but when he does, I am worried sick at work. 

Kalau ikutkan memang. Semua ibu kat dunia ni nak jaga anak sendiri. Takde ibu yg nak for something bad to happen. Walaupun ada. Tapi kebanyakkannya memang nak anak tu membesar depan mata. Meskipun kadang-kadang semua ibu ni ada love hate relationship dengan anak masing-masing. Haha. I am speaking about me though. 

Tapi. Dengan ekonomi sekarang. We cannot afford for me not to work. Tak mampu. I need the car. And I need money to pay for the car. It just how it goes. 

Setiap hari aku berdoa kat Allah. Ya Allah kau lindungilah anak aku. Muhammad Adam Naufal dari sebarang kejahatan. Kau peliharalah anak ku walau di mana jua dia berada. 

I have no one to ask help from. I only have Allah to watch him for me. 

Ya Allah. Jagalah dia untukku. Amiin. 


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