Well, there exist some people who think that raising a child or children is easy. Well, it’s not. It’s not like having a pet. It’s nothing like it at all. People only see the cute sides of babies and the parents are the ones who know the truth about how difficult things are. And no one can be fully prepared in order to raise a child. You get through it one step at a time and you are learning different things at the same time. 

Who hasn’t had the experience of a screaming child in the car while you’re driving. And it’s driving the parents crazy and the tension keeps building up as the baby wont stop crying. Sometimes you need to pull over and comfort them and only to find out that they only want to sit on your lap which is an impossible task to do because you need to focus on driving. It’s crazy I’m telling you. 

Sometimes, they cry for no reason. And it’s even more frustrating because they can’t talk. As a human being even though I’m a mother, i have my limits. Sometimes it is just so frustrating that i screamed back what do you want to my child. And that didn’t solve the problem either. Lol. But the emotions felt throughout raising my baby, is just indescribable. 

That is why i can never understand those who wanted to have twins. Haha. Laugh me at this but twins only look good when they are behaved. Imagine double the cries. Double everything. I guess truly double happiness as well but no, i aint taking my chances. 

 Raising a toddler while being pregnant is another thing. It’s certainly challenging when all you want to do is to lay down on bed all day but you have this cute little toddler who kept messing the house and who is hungry and also keeps bugging you all day even screaming out loud when you’re in the toilet. 

These are all the negativities that i have while raising my babies. Of course my baby is one i cannot unlove. But still every mom knows they had their moments like this. 


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