It's okay

There are many things that i find people don’t understand me and what I’m doing. For instance, i asked my husband to bring me to tapah because there’s something i wanted to buy. He said, just go after work. I know. Sounds easy. It’s 15mins from my school.

But. I cannot afford it. I cannot afford to leave my baby behind for a longer period of time. My baby depends on me to eat. Without my milk he cannot eat anything else because he only drinks my milk. I don’t give him formulas because my husband is opposed to that and i do have the intentions to breastfeed my baby until he’s two years old.

It’s okay. Memang susah orang nak faham tapi tu lah realiti aku. Pendapat untuk bagi formula aku tolak mentah-mentah sebab niat aku memang nak cukupkan dua tahun. I guess it gives me the purpose. Tipu la kalau cakap I’ve never been depressed. Pernah. Mak mana yg tak pernah. Anak2 menangis sebelah telinga. Tak tahu nak pilih anak mana nak pujuk dulu because I’m afraid of putting the image of mama dah tak sayang in my son’s head.

Aku tak minta orang faham. Just respect my decision and what i do. The amount of money i spent on my breastfeeding. Takpa orang tak faham. As long as i get it. I know what are the reasons behind this. InshaAllah


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