love love love

i love to write, i love to mumble, i love to annoy people around me, i love to eat, i love to sleep, i love to read, i love to sing, i love to dance, i love to play tennis. 

i don't know what has gotten into me but i am seriously like deeply in trouble. why ? 

okay, right now i feel very disturbed because, 
one: my purse is not with me. it is in Shiron's car which is at MANJUNG. so far away from me. :'(
second: instead of focusing on my assignment which the due date is tomorrow, i am actually blogwalking and do pretty stupid nonsense thing like lying on the floor and stare at the ceiling which has nothing but the bricks covered in white paint. (this is why i said i love to mumble but i am not actually mumbling because i am not producing any sound but the keyboard sound.) *aku lah ratu merepek dunia.

i wish, i wish, i wish, i am at somewhere in the jungle near the waterfall, alone, playing with the water but since i am not good at swimming i'm gonna need someone who is good at it which in case i fall down into the water and get drowned. >.<

but that's not gonna happen because here i am, in a room, wall to wall, whitely, though i wish the white paint in this room can turn me into snow white which is so impossible. whatever. i am in mess right now because can hardly think straight.i am imagining things but not hallucinating.i am thinking what am i not supposed to think.i am talking about thinking of watching movies when i am supposed to think about my assignment, not the nonsense things or the 18sx kind of thinking.

oh, somebody gotta pull me away from this keyboard cuz i can barely stop.


okay, i am about to do that. so bye2 peeps. this is just another nonsense things from me which is not matter to you so much and thank you for reading it. 

*proof that i love to write. 


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