a piece of note remembering about the past and future.

hey guys. i am totally back! and right now i am freakin' hungry cause there is absolutely zero food in this house.and no transport to look for one too.him already gone some place else,without me. T.T okay, whatever.acting sad though not feeling so sad.nak minta dia belikan something tapi belom cakap.anyway, sungguh teramat lari dari topik perbincangan asal sebenarnya.

back to the real thing, ya know, i went to PBS at kuantan. and lots of things going on back then. totally awesome i must say. 

you see, after going back and forth to school for quite a while now, i am extremely excited to be a teacher. why not? children are so adorable ! hey, i am talking here like, seriously ! so adorable. 

of course lah kan buah hati i kat changkat jering tu i takkan lupa. haha, irfan nabil~ comey oh! 

i am going to upload the pictures from Kuantan because we've been to like so many places. sampai sakit kaki sangat-sangat. T.T

nanti2 lah yer sebab sekarang ni i have to get moving sebab lagi dua jam family dah nak sampai. awesome kan ? hehe

tell ya about it later. daa~ buhbye


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