Excessive Buns On Top of The Head Looks WEIRD to Me

I am finally at a place called home sweet home. It feels great to be back at home again. Just got back at 11 p.m. and something last night and after putting all the bags in my room, I went out again with my brother because I was hungry. Yes. I ate late at night. Who cares? I don't. So you shouldn't too. Haha.

Last night, I had seen something terrible happened. The car flipped upside down. I don't know whether the victims survive or not. It was too scary even to look at the scene. I need to look at today's news.

Aannyywaayyyy, I was just looking at this video from Muslim of overseas. I mean, Muslim in non-Islamic country. They were wearing hijab with this superb big bun on the back of their head and I was like, whaaattt are they putting it on the back of their head and why?Tellll meeee whhyyyyyyy...... It really makes you look like having a big head and that is just out of balance.Right, I don't have a sense of fashion you call it and I am just that simply ignorant person who hates to complicate things when I know the easiest way is there and all I have to do is to choose the easiest way instead of the complicated ones. And, I don't really have to go far out of my country because we have similar cases in Malaysia. >.< 

It pretty much looks like this. >.< 
OK. As I don't have this kind of fashion thing on my mind, I do not have the right to speak about this. Bullshit. This is my blog. I'm gonna say whatever it is I want to say. Shoot. 

Basically what I am saying is, it is totally weird for me to have such kinds of hijab style because it really does unfit me. That's probably because I have a small body by mean, I am short, and I don't want to be looked as if I have a massive brain inside of my head and that's why my head looks so big and it looks unstable. Imagine if your head is bigger than your body, wouldn't that be weird and NOT normal? 

Haha. Up to you however you want it, but it just feels weird to have this kind of hijab style plus I ride around in motorcycle a lot so I don't want this big head buns suppressing the area inside of the helmet and making me uncomfortable and might harm me in the end. So yeah! Later... Bye !


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