Very Busy

Hey girls and boys. How are you doing? I hope you don't mind me spilling whatever it is that I want to write about the events or things that have happened to me lately. 

Lately I have been very busy with the organizing of the sports day thing. Our batch need to organize the sports day and we need to attend the events held during the evening. Even if our class ends at 4.30. What a day. The upper post people must be feeling very exhausted too. 

But I wonder why there isn't any backup plan or something. You see, this thing we call saringan happens in the evening. But every evening the percentage of it to rain is like 80% likely. So, why can't we pick a date and do all the saringan? Ok, I know. The athletes must be exhausted if they have to do all kinds of sports at the same day. Whatever. It's not me who decides all the things during the sport day. The others must be very hectic and exhausted too.

Ha, here's another thing. We are FORCED to enter the marching during sports day. If not, we will not be receiving our pertauliahan cert in the end of the day. Whatdaa... I mean, we are already involving in sports day, how come you expect us to participate in it??????? Easy for you to say, after marching you go lah do your work. Some people have work to do in the morning too you idiot! Why can't you let the juniors take part in the marching? Oh wait, they don't receive their uniform yet! That is bloody bullshit you know. They can borrow it from us! Freaking idiot person. And what has the other members of KRS have been doing? Sitting, Giggling, Eating on the sports day? I am totally speechless when it comes to dealing with this person. Hello, we are not your coo-lee okay.. We have rights to say too. Plus, some of us are already involve with marching during the curriculum day. What else do you want. Let others do their thing too lah. We'll see what's going to happen in the end of the day. 

Starting from this upcoming Sunday, I have to participate in the dancing for the retirement day of our deputy director. Imagine my day. Morning till evening, class. Evening at 5, have to go to the field, 8 at night have to go for the dance practice. Fuh... 

This weekend I am just going to stay at home. Finishing any work I have I guess. I have to start doing my assignments whenever I am free. Ah-ha! I have promised myself to clean up the kitchen and also the bathroom and re-do our kitchen duty. But right now, I really don't feel like doing any of that. Tonight I promised my friend to come along to the auntie selma's punya kedai. So I will be having my dinner there. I want to meet my boyfriend because afterwards we don't have time to meet each other. But what can I do, I already promised my housemate and I can't just ditch them like that. 

There's another thing, I won't be meeting him for a week or more. This is sad news. To me. Here, we hardly contact each other because both of us are busy and our scheduled is not seemed to sync. So, I have to be very patience even though I miss that person very much. :) Tomorrow he has driving lesson, so we cannot go out. Even to have dinner together because the next day he has convoy with his friend to go to Cameron Highlands. I can't stop him from hanging out with his friends coz they have the rights to be with him too. I know that his friends love him so much. Hehe. 

And for the next dayssss until friday, we won't be meeting up even for dinner because I have dance practice at night..Oh yeah baby, I can dance, stiffly. haha. Lunch is impossible for us during weekdays. So next date will be on the second march. The next week I will be following my family to Johor. There's a wedding ceremony my parents want to attend. So, yeah. Jalan-jalan with family is fun too. 

Everytime I remember to call my mom, it is always her sleeping time. Like right now. I guess she will be sleeping together with my little brother. He must be exhausted from school. Miss him though. To hear his celoteh and all. 

That's all. I have some plans to do with my blog but as soon as the plan works, you will know. Till next time peeps. Love ya! 


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