me being normal as a human being that has my own problems

for the past two weeks, i have been very very busy and stressful. there are too many problems that i have to handle at the same time and obviously, i don't like it as well. it is the first time in my life i feel like i am out of a place. i am in a stranded island where everyone else around me has three eyes and moves so fast from me. they are very different from me. i finally understand the feeling of wanting to go back home as soon as possible just like my friend, ima. ima, i finally understand the feelings! 

so, last week, i went back home and sort all my feelings. i tried to put away all the negative thoughts that had been haunting me. i tried. well, i really tried. but that feelings kept crawling back to me. and again, i felt like i wanted and needed to back home. the shocking news that i heard last week kept bugging me and i questioned myself over and over again, how could that person do that? there's no explanation for it and to me, if that person asked me to treat him/her the same as before, i would say straight to his/her face, sorry, i can't. that's my final decision. so, i kept that in a box and put it away. for a while. until i had to see his/her face again. 

how's my practicum? ergh, don't even bring that up. yes. i am not doing it well. i am feeling demotivated to teach. i honestly feel like quitting. like, seriously. can i do this? will i be able to withstand all the hardships and challenges coming? i don't have the answer for that. but i have to face it for now. and not thinking of anything else but practicum. i have so much to learn. but PMS thingy. ya know~ it disturbs my system. so, hell yeah, it does not going that well. 

anyway, whoever it is that i have problem with, whatever the problem is, imma gonna put them aside now and let's just get over it. what's done cannot be undone. i learned my mistakes, and i know, what goes around WILL come around. just leave it at ALLAH's hands to handle. i am going to do what i am supposed to do and continue living like living and loving it is all that matters to me. 

till then, goodbye everyone. i have to get back to my work or else, i'll be sleeping late tonight which, i probably will. teehee.. 


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