Lesson of the Day

Today I had a heart to heart confession of life story with my housemate. I did not realize all of these before. She told me that she used to live in a struggling life. I never listened or knew any of the stories only based on what I'd seen on tv. But that story had made me realize something. I should appreciate what I have. 

For me, I had never experienced such a struggling life before. Well, I am not from a wealthy family either. Just the average ones. Ever since I was borne, my father already owned a car. Even though it was not that expensive car but at least that car could move from place to place. Well, that's the point of it for having a car right? He bought a car for himself and also he bought a car for his father even when he was still in college. Amazing right? Children nowadays whenever they enter a college they will demand a car from their parent. I am part of them too. Too bad though. 

Anyway, what I am saying here is, the reality, people who are having a struggling life are still out there. Think about them once in a while. You will get the inspiration and motivation that you need. And for whatever reason it is, for whatever situation you are in, I really believe we should be grateful and thankful to our parent. Why? Because, without them, we will not be here. We will not be achieving what we are having right now. So, call your parent now and tell them how much you love them. 

p/s: I was very awkward to tell my parent that I love them which was so sad! really! Now, whenever I call my mom, our conversation will end up, love you! :) I am so happy with these changes. You should try it too. Don't be ashamed to tell your parent that you love them. Don't wait until it is too late. aight? 


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