practicum funny story

this month is a hellish month for me because i am in my practicum. too late to realize that this profession is not as easy as i thought it would be. i know it is hard, theoretically. but being the one who is applying all theories learnt, and at the same time thinking about teaching the pupils. seriously. it's not easy. 

everyday routine would be, planning a lesson, which is very troublesome because we have to consider lots of things. resources, students' ability. gosh. i wish this practicum ends early. it has really taken my sleeping time and fooling around time.

but today, i am not going to take another step complaining about practicum or explaining to you about how hard it would be, today i am going to tell you a funny story. a real one. happened this morning.

everyday. us. practicum teacher or any other teacher in the school will have to relief class. so, i got mine and hanim too. hanim's class was at 9 a.m. whereas mine, the schedule clashed with my class. so, i left that for PK1 to handle. so, at 9 hanim left for her class, 6D (this is what she told me). suddenly, she sent me a message. "Am, the students are not here. How?" I told her, maybe they're having PJ and did not come to class yet. I asked her to wait. for quite some time, she sent me another message. "Am, they're still not here. How?" I told her, go find your students. 

out of nowhere, PK1 came to me. "Amalina, come here. you have to relief class now. 4C" I said, oh, okay. then PK1 saw hanim walking towards the stairs. "Ha, that's hanim. never mind. i will ask her to relief class." 

So, let it be. PK1 asked hanim to go to 4C class. then i followed PK1 because i needed to know my time to relief class. when she checked the relief class schedule, hanim's name was supposed to be on 4C. i was like, what the heck was she doing with 6D then? the PK asked me the same question. but she said, "Ah, maybe I wrote it wrongly." Never mind then. so i received my relief class time..

then when hanim came back to the staff room, i asked her, "hanim, where is the ticket for relief class?" she gave me one. it's written there, 6D but different time and DIFFERENT DATE! i told her, "this is not for today. i want today's one." She looked through her handbag, and gave me another two. One of them was the real one. i looked at it and showed to her, it's written there, CLEARLY that she had to relief 4C. i was laughing like mad at her at the staff room. 

hanim, you are so funny. i laughed out really hard thanks to you. next time around please make sure that you have seen your ticket clearly before entering the class. 


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