make it a habit

good morning. while i was waiting for my washing machine to drain out the water, i might as well do a quick update.

don't know how many times i should mention this, (have i?), maybe i did mention it, maybe i didn't. but whatevahh.. 

i love to write so much. especially my thoughts. i like to write down what's in my mind so that later i can go back to it and read what i thought. it's a habit. sometimes i managed to do it, sometimes i got insecure as people would read it and i don't really want people to read it cause it's private stuff. might as well make a secret code for the book. 

but most of the times, i'd write. 

OK. i admit it. sometimes i was just too lazy to write down the words because most of the time i was thinking, why write when you can type it? typical modern teen nowadays huh? 

i have a thing about typing. i love it so much. i love the sound that the keyboard makes when i type something super fast. it's like a sweet melody to me and it's very very very addictive. like a good song you could never get over. plus, i can write whatever i want in a just a minute and wallah, everything i want to say is just there. 

yeah, sometimes i do feel lazy and i wish that there's a machine that can let you type the things that're in your mind. but wait, that would be weird right? there are some things that you wouldn't want to be written and let it be the secret of the mind for the rest of your life.

what was i saying? 

oh yeah, my point is about writing my thoughts down. 

make it a habit to write what you're thinking about the thing that is happening to you. was, did. present and past or future. 

you'll be amazed of what you'll read in the future. that's why i mostly never throw away my notebooks. because in there, there's a lot of meaningful memories that i couldn't possibly remember i wrote that. it's embarrassing sometimes because you'll definitely laugh at your silliness at that moment, and then the feeling is indescribable. it's memories dude. you don't just erase it *snap* just like that. naah. never happen like that. and surely surely surely, you won't remember it for the rest of your life. so save it. keep memories like that. it'll surely be meaningful in the future. 

it won't matter if you use a fancy notebook, or just a normal exercise book. as long as you write something and surely you'll seek the fun in writing just like i did. 

it also improves your writing skill. so it's a bonus for me. :) 

need to go now. hari ni balik ipoh tompang udin. so nak kena siap-siap sebab memang habit dari dulu sampai sekarang tak suka orang tunggu i lama-lama. 


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