students or monsters?

i know the enjoyment of doing prank to others. sometimes i did that too. i once made a friend of mine cried on her birthday because of the prank. afterwards i felt guilty more than wanting to laugh. 
i just read the news that gone viral on Facebook. it's about a boy who fell down from a ceiling in his school. i think it's a crime. the case can be categorized as murder as the boy fell down because he wanted to retrieve the pencil case which his friends had hidden. i am not sure how his supposed to be called 'friends' would feel. but any normal human beings will definitely feel guilty and remorse because of what the prank had turned into. anyone interviewing the so-called-friends? 

i know the so called friends may not mean it to happen like this, but i just think that these friends did not have the brain to think what would happen if that boy fell down. prank is prank but don't make it too much. now things had happen like this who's to blame? the teachers? bitch please. whoever said it's teacher's fault, now tell me, if your pencil case is hidden like that and you're being bullied for years would you tell your teacher? even if it's the right thing to do? put yourself into the person being bullied. mentally tortured now physical tortured that leads to death. 

please don't say you want school in malaysia to be like prison where the students are being watched 24/7. put the cctv all over schools. it won't stop the crime. people nowadays have so many guts to do crime in public, what more when they're being watch over a stupid cctv right? now that falls back to teachers' job to educate them. again, bitch please, teachers do not have 100% responsibilities for their behaviours. behaviours shaped can come from many factors and the most contributor of all is the parent. whatever the kids do, it will always reflect back on the PARENT. 

that makes me think of another thing, maybe before getting married, a couple must go through a parenting session. this would be a great knowledge. bitch please, you don't have to teach how to make babies when there are so many access to that. what's important is the parenting education which i believe malaysian citizen are so lacking of. 

back to the students who did the prank. prank is actually haram in Islam. there's no way Islam will allow things like that. some people did it for fun but those who seek of fun always forget to see the consequences. don't you think so? that's why we call these people, pendek akal. pardon me for saying this but this is what i think of some people and sometimes i definitely became pendek akal at a time. 

joke is a joke. please know where to draw the line.

p/s if i were the parents of the so called friends, i would send my kids for a therapy session. if they dont feel guilty about it, there's definitely something wrong with their brain (mind) and early precaution should be taken because this might lead them to become murderers. (who knows and God forbid) 


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